Monday, November 27, 2006

Katarameno msn pali dn mporw na mpw....ase pou fovamai oti dn ksesyndeetai otan to kleinw parolo pou dn mporw na mpw....Na mpei kaneis h na mhn mpei; gia mena dn tithetai erwthma.... Meza, prepei na valoume photos sto blog mas. Parathetw enan sticho apo to tragoudi death or glory twn clash (alimono):''But i believe in this- and it's been tested by research hthat he who fucks nuns will later join the church''. Gamaei k dernei h oxi; Eipa oti dn tha piw shmera alla hpia mia mpyritsa... A.A. prosechws...


Anonymous said...

akousa mia parwdia tou 'the roof is on fire'
the joint,the joint,the joint is on fire!put it in my mouth and let the mother fucker burn!burn mother fucker,burn..

Sia+Meza said...

gamato!!!Alla as afisoume ta joint sthn akrh... Prwta A.A. k meta kanoume k promenada apo thn ithakh... alla apo thn mastoura tha vrethoume stn thrakh.